ACM Technology Policy Council Releases TechBrief on Trusted AI
January 18, 2024
ACM's global Technology Policy Council has released its "TechBrief: Trusted AI." The TechBrief is focused on trustworthiness mechanisms and measures being advanced in artificial intelligence regulations and standards which may not actually increase trust.
The ACM TechBrief states that the effectiveness of mechanisms and metrics implemented to promote trust of AI must be empirically evaluated to determine if they actually do so. Distrust of AI calls for a deeper understanding of stakeholder perceptions, concerns, and fears. Fostering public trust of AI will require that policymakers demonstrate how they are making industry accountable to the public and their legitimate concerns.
ACM’s TechBriefs are designed to complement ACM’s activities in the policy arena and to inform policymakers, the public, and others about the nature and implications of information technologies. Previous ACM TechBriefs focused on generative artificial intelligence, the data trust deficit, safer algorithmic systems , climate change, facial recognition, smart cities, quantum simulation, and election security. Topics under consideration for future issues include election auditing, encryption security, media disinformation, content filtering, blockchain, and digital accessibility, among others.
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